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Bilingvní texty, součást moderní výuky jazyků, nabízejí: učení přirozeným způsobem: přímým kontaktem s jazykem, okamžitou zpětnou vazbu na mateřský jazyk porovnáním s překlady renomovaných překladatelů, lexikální a gramatický komentář pod čárou, slovní zásobu v kontextu, přímý kontakt s literárními díly v originále a v nezkrácené podobě, autentický text...
HE MEETS WOMEN. HE GAINS THEIR TRUST. That’s all Maeve Kerrigan knows about the man she is hunting. Three women have been strangled in their homes by the same killer. With no sign of a break-in, every indication shows that they let him in. Evidence left at the third murder gives Maeve a shocking suspect: Dl Josh Derwent, Maeve’s colleague.
The target audience of this book are: 1) students, the beginning political science majors, 2) undergrauates who would not become political science majors nor enroll in any political science courses other than the one in which this book was used, 3) teachers of introductory American government courses.
The 1 New York Times bestselling book that can change your life. By Herb Cohen, the world's best begotiator who tells you how to get what you want.
As an assistant to a famous upscale interior designer, Lane Harmon, mother to four-year-old Katie, is accustomed to visiting opulent homes around the tristate area. So when she is called to a modest town house in Bergen County, Lane knows the job is unusual. Then she learns the home belongs to the wife of a notorious and disgraced financier named Parker...
The 9 Public Speaking Secrets of the World's Top Minds. A powerful guide to public speaking, based on the scientific analysis of hundreds of TED presentations and interviews with TED speakers.
In this bracing, page-turning account of his stranger-than-fiction baptism into the corrupted ways of Washington, Neil Barofsky offers an irrefutable insider indictment of the mishandling of the $700 billion TARP bailout fund...
In Dialogue, McKee offers the same in-depth analysis as in Story for how characters speak on the screen, on he stage, and on the page in beliavable and engaging ways.
Your ultimate guide to overcoming losses and injuries and achieving greatness on and off the field.
Called "a deeply affecting tale of courage and devotion in the cauldron of war" by Publishers Weekly, Sergeant Mike Dowling's heart-pounding account of an unbreakable bond between man and dog takes us into the searing 130-degree heat, the choking dust, and the ever-present threat of violent attack in Iraq's infamous Triangle of Death...
How to Become Free from Anxiety Disorders and Depression. A unique inisght into the cause and cure of anxiety, phobias, OCD and depression.