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This omnibus edition of all six books in the Practice Book series is invaluable for both amateur and would-be professional players. Together these books form a complete reference guide for players who are looking to overcome technical difficulties, and who are seeking advice on how best to practice.
28 progressive pieces for Grade 1 to 2 violinists + CD. Violin Star offers beginner violinists a refreshing and inspirational choice of pieces to help build confidence and musical skills. The repertoire is imaginatively tailored to develop specific techniques through an exciting range of musical styles.
Discover God's Plan for a Lifetime of Love. New Edition. Revised and Updated. Know Where You re Headed Before Tou Walk Down the Aisle. You're in love, and it's the real thing. You have made a joyous decision together—a decision destined to change your lives forever: You’re getting married! Now, as you plan your wedding celebration, i's time to lay the...
His Incediary New Bestseller. | Donovan Gray is ruthless and fearless. Just the kind of lawyer you need, deep in small-town Appalachia. Samantha Kofer is a world away from her former life at New York’s biggest law firm. If she is going to survive in coal country, she needs to start learning fast...
Any book that acurately mirros reality in Australia reads like an adventure tale - and POWER WITHOUT GLORY is no exception. The author knows his country, its history and its people. The men and women of his tale are flesh and blood, whether they are meant to reflect the pioneer's courage, the fortune hunter's ruthlessness or mankind's striving for a...
A lady does not smoke cheroot. She does not ride astride. She does not fence or attend duels. She does not fire a pistol, and she never gambles at a gentlemen's club. Lady Calpurnia Hartwell has always followed the rules, rules that have left her unmarried - and more than a little unsatisfied. And so she's vowed to break the rules and live the life of...
This is a remarkable historical and psychological examination of the enigma of Adolf Hitler—who he was, how he wielded power, and why he was destined to fail.
Ludwig Van Beethoven was a real person. He was born in 1770. He died in 1827. He lived a stormy life and wrote great music. This is his story.
MIDDLE-CLASS URBAN YOUTH, migrant farm laborers, boxcar kids, children whose families found themselves struggling for survival—all Depression-era young people faced challenges. Even so, life had its bright spots—like favorite games and radio shows—and many young people remained optimistic about the future.
The perfect marriage? Or the perfect lie? Everyone knows a couple like Jack and Grace. He has looks and wealth; she has charm and elegance. You’re hopelessly charmed by the ease and comfort of their home, by the graciousness of the dinner parties they throw. But what’s really going on once the dinner parties are over and the front door has closed?
The 5th edition of this book is for school and college students taking courses in Modern World History and for undergraduates in History and International Relations. It is a complete, self-contained, lively and highly readable course, suitable for individual study or classroom use. The general reader who wishes to find out how the world got into its...
Over my 60 years in the movie business, and my 85 years of life, I have been given a lot of useful advice-by Marlene Dietrich, Tony Curtis, and Jack Nicholson amongst many others-and I have learnt a lot of useful lessons, from my many glittering successes and my many disastrous failures... This book is the result of this reflection.