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Nicholas Lash shows how the main contours of the Christian doctrine of God may be mapped onto principal features of our culture and its predicaments. Nicholas Lash considers three dimensions of our contemporary predicament: globalization, a crisis of language, and the pain and darkness of the world, in relation to the doctrine of God as Spirit, Word, and...
The Real Story of My Mother and Me. "My feelings about my mother and about our relationship are so confused that to write them down with clarity would mean I had them all figured out, which I do not." — BROOKE SHIELDS'S DIARY, 1984
'He has, quite simply, been my strength and stay all these years, and I and his whole family, and this and many other countries, owe him a debt greater than he would ever claim, or we shall ever know.’ The Queen pays tribute to Prince Philip on their golden wedding anniversary
Think you know the real Tina? Think again. Here’s the real story. And love's got everything to do with it.
The Creating Corporate Cultures Series: Making organizations dynamic, exciting places in which productivity, innovation, and even joy can flourish—with cutting-edge ideas from practitioners in the field—books in the series are sure to spark thought and action, bringing benefits straight to the bottom line.
The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World. Revised edition with new material. By Tony Wagner, author of The Global Achievement Gap, with video content produced by Robert A. Compton.
An evidence-based guide to delivering high performance. Armstrong's Handbook of Performance Management addresses all areas of performance management. From setting objectives and giving feedback to managing underperformers and having difficult conversations...
This is the most comprehensive and realistic guide to Windows Server 2012 planning, design, prototyping, implementation, migration, administration, and support. Extensively updated, it contains unsurpassed independent and objective coverage of Windows Server 2012’s key innovations.
Blackface minstrelsy, the nineteenth-century performance practice in which ideas and images of blackness were constructed and theatricalized by and for whites, continues to permeate contemporary popular music and its audience. Harriet J. Manning argues that this legacy is nowhere more evident than with Michael Jackson in whom minstrelsy's gestures and...
Improve your writing with Oxford Writing Tutor. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary is a world bestseller with over 35 million copies sold. Based on the authority of the British National Corpus and the Oxford English Corpus. The dictionary that develops your language skills.
The story of U.S. Marine special operations in Bala Murghab, Afghanistan. ALWAYS FAITHFUL, ALWAYS FORWARD.