Wang Yushu was born in Fuzhou in 1917. He entered the English Department of the Fukien Christian University in 1936 and later transferred to the English Department of the University of Shanghai. In 1942, he graduated and got his B.A. He had worked in the Shanghai Post Office for 38 years and retired in 1977 .Soon he was called back and sent to the Engineering College of Shanghai to be a teacher of English for eight years. After retirement he has devoted most of his time to writing Chinese poems and English poems. Quite a greater part of them have been published in the quarterly periodical "The Newsletter of University of Shanghai Alumni Assocication".
Kniha v anglickém a čínském jazyce. Kniha obsahuje básně v čínštině s fonetickým přepisem do latinky a anglickým překladem. Součástí jsou také dobová vyobrazení s jejich popisem v angličtině a čínštině.