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Melanie Bouvet is the Wigs and Make-up Co-ordinator for New Productions (Ballet and Opera) at the Royal Opera House. Having worked at the ROH since 2000, she has worked on many well-known productions, such as Alice in Wonderland, Frankenstein, Boris Godunov, Andre Chenier and The Nose, amongst others. She has also supervised productions in the Linbury Theatre, the Globe Theatre, the Barbican and the Roundhouse, in 2014, Melanie was nominated for a Technical Theatre Award, and in 2016, won the award for outstanding achievement in wigs and make-up. ----------- Melanie Bouvet je koordinátorkou pro paruky a make-up v sekci Nová produkce (Balet a Opera) v Royal Opera House v Londýně. Za dobu svého působení (od r. 2000) se podílela na mnoha známých představeních, například Alenka v říši divů, Frankenstein, Boris Godunov, Andre Chenier, Nos a dalších. Pracovala také v divadlech jako Linbury Theatre, Globe Theatre, Barbican nebo Roundhouse. V roce 2014 byla nominována na cenu Technical Theatre Award a v roce 2016 získala ocenění za zásluhy v oblasti parukářství a make-upu.
Kniha v anglickém jazyce... Featuring over 700 photographs, this book offers detailed step-by-step instructions on how to make a wig, how to dress it according to time period, and how to fit and remove it, as well as advice on tools, products and suppliers.